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Become a member of Livestock SA for free

Livestock SA is the peak industry organisation for South Australia’s red meat and wool producers. Representing over 5,200 sheep producers, 2,700 beef cattle producers and several hundred goat producers across the state, we work to secure a strong and sustainable livestock sector. South Australia’s $4.3 billion livestock industry is a key economic contributor to the state which supports 21,000 South Australian jobs across the red meat and wool industries.

Every new member adds strength to our voice, join today!

The benefits of membership include:

  • Nominate for and elect representatives to the Board.
  • Provide policy, advocacy and industry investment direction on issues that affect you and your business.
  • Stay up to date with local, state, national and international industry matters.
  • Benefit from Livestock SA projects that support and advance your business.
  • Access a range of member services.

Types of membership available:

Producer Member

All livestock producers who pay industry levies under the Primary Industries Funding Schemes Act 1998 in SA are eligible to be members. There is no additional cost to be a member of Livestock SA.

Please note producers who have asked for the industry levy to be refunded are not eligible to be members.

Associate Member

Associate membership is available for farm managers, consultants, businesses and anyone interested in beef cattle, sheep and goat production in South Australia.