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MacLoran Farm

More drought roundtables needed to address industry challenges

Livestock SA welcomed the PIRSA Limestone Coast Drought Round Table last week and is calling for more forums around the state to be held to ensure government can hear firsthand the current challenges and assistance that is needed by livestock producers.

Livestock SA CEO, Travis Tobin said livestock producers across South Australia are feeling the ongoing impacts of drought conditions, which have compounded the pre-existing pressures of high interest rates, rising production costs, and fluctuating livestock prices.

“The Naracoorte roundtable brought together key industry, government and community stakeholders to discuss the unique challenges and issues being experienced in the southeast, and this needs to be expanded to other parts of the state where producers are in similar situations,” said Mr Tobin.

“For the Limestone Coast, failed spring, autumn and winter rainfall is a very uncommon and recent frost impacts have further reduced this year’s potential. This is all off the back of the collapse in livestock prices we saw through 2023.”

“The usual fodder supplies are nearly exhausted, and this will be the second poor hay production year. More producers are sourcing hay through new suppliers where quality and biosecurity risks are unknown, and price and availability are variable.”

“Several actions were agreed from the roundtable including clearer messaging from government about how drought is defined and the support available, increased financial sector engagement, continuing the decision support workshops, and coordinating community wellbeing events.”

“On financial assistance measures, it was acknowledged that the thresholds for Farm Household Allowance and RIC loans should be looked at, and infrastructure grants would support producers implement resilience projects should they be made available.”

“With cash flow tight, interest and Council rate relief and support for transporting livestock and fodder were raised, but government no longer supports this type of assistance under current drought policy.”

“Additional government support must recognise that livestock producers are familiar with adversity, but in many cases, these conditions are the worst on record and are testing the resilience of even the most prepared and successful farming operations."

“The roundtable was an important step in recognising the severity of the situation and the lasting impact it will have on producers. We need to see more of them around the state.”

“Livestock SA will continue to work positively with government to find practical solutions that will offer immediate relief and build long-term resilience for our industry.”

For more information about the support measures currently available, see the Livestock SA website:


Media Contact:

Hannah Trevilyan, Communications and Members Manager, Livestock SA

P: 08 8297 2299

Published: 24 September 2024