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Landscape 27


Seasonal conditions test current drought policy

[as published in the Stock Journal] Drought policy has a history of constant change. Mid last century, the focus was on attempting to ‘drought proof’ agriculture by expanding irrigation. In...

Published: 26/9/2024 Read more

Collaboration urgently needed on NW VIC dingo decision

[as published in the Stock Journal] As the Victorian Government completes the policy and regulatory settings review for dingo conservation and management across the state, Livestock SA remains concerned about...

Published: 25/7/2024 Read more

Heed industry experts not anti-industry activists

Last week we met with the MLA team preparing the 2025 Sheep Industry Projections Report. While a routine activity for industry, it was a good reminder about the ongoing industry...

Published: 27/6/2024 Read more

Government crosses the live sheep exports red line

[As published in the Stock Journal] Interesting is the diplomatic way to describe the way the Australian Government chose to advise industry how and when it would end live sheep...

Published: 21/5/2024 Read more

Animal Welfare Strategy set to be renewed

[as published in the Stock Journal] As part of its 2023-24 Budget, the Australian Government committed $5 million over 4 years to renew the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS). This...

Published: 25/4/2024 Read more

Restructure aims to raise livestock body

[Stock Journal viewpoint by Joe Keynes] A recent viewpoint about Livestock SA’s future direction warrants a response as it’s important to clarify how the organisation has evolved and why we’re...

Published: 8/4/2024 Read more

Victorian wild dog control decision exposes SA producers

[as published in the Stock Journal] The sudden decision by the Victorian Government to stop wild dog controls in the northwest of Victoria, which became effective from 14 March 2024...

Published: 28/3/2024 Read more

Carbon myopia now looking to dictate Australian diets

[as published in the Stock Journal] The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), the statutory agency within the Department of Health and Aged Care that is responsible for developing...

Published: 29/2/2024 Read more

GAB proposal needs sensible decision made

[as published in the Stock Journal] The Great Artesian Basin (GAB) is one of the largest underground freshwater resources in the world. It generates approximately $13 billion in value to...

Published: 25/1/2024 Read more

Global agrifood roadmap recognises critical role of livestock production

The latest United Nations Climate Change conference – COP28 in Dubai – wound up today (12 December). Depending on what media you follow, the annual Conference of the Parties is...

Published: 28/12/2023 Read more

Fast-tracked legislation must also deliver for producers

[as published in the Stock Journal] There was a higher-than-normal degree of excitement and self-congratulations last week when the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Bill passed the parliament. Through the Hydrogen...

Published: 20/11/2023 Read more

Livestock production soon to be climate neutral

[as published in the Stock Journal] The Australian red meat and livestock industry continues to lead other industries in becoming more sustainable and being part of the climate solution. It...

Published: 26/10/2023 Read more

Responsive and responsible government needed on live sheep

[as published in the Stock Journal] Readers of this column would recall the March piece I wrote about the commencement of the Federal Government consultation process for phasing out live...

Published: 28/9/2023 Read more

Options for better supply-demand processing and pricing balance

Livestock producers understand the cyclical nature of livestock prices. However, the price declines we have seen in the past 12 months have been faster and deeper than many were expecting...

Published: 31/8/2023 Read more

Competition for land use

The world population clock currently ticks over at more than two new humans every second. In other words, the world population is growing by over 200,000 people a day. It...

Published: 27/7/2023 Read more

Hydrogen Act requires cool approach

South Australia is at the global forefront of clean energy generation. In just over 16 years the state’s electricity mix has shifted from below 1 per cent renewables to more...

Published: 22/6/2023 Read more

Stock theft hurt widespread

Stock and general farm theft across Australia is a serious and growing problem. The days of the ‘jolly swagman’ are long gone and large-scale and sophisticated thefts are now occurring...

Published: 25/5/2023 Read more

Livestock industry part of the climate change solution

Last week the State Government convened its inaugural Climate Change Conference at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Livestock SA joined PIRSA and the grains and dairy industries to host a primary...

Published: 24/4/2023 Read more

Live export decision sets dangerous precedent

Livestock producers are the ultimate optimists. But that optimism has been knocked recently with the Federal Government commencing work on phasing out live sheep exports from Australia by sea. A...

Published: 24/3/2023 Read more

Flood response, a reminder to stay vigilant about bushfire threats

Driving across the state this past month to meet with Livestock SA members has provided a compelling perspective of the contrast between the extended wet weather last year; from the...

Published: 23/2/2023 Read more

Biosecurity push needs a national focus

For over a decade all governments have agreed to a strategic direction for our biosecurity system to protect Australia’s way of life. All governments have also been aware that Australia’s...

Published: 26/1/2023 Read more

Govt spend needed to rev up sheep eID

With the successful return of the Adelaide 500 last week, it is useful to reflect on the ‘race’ the state’s livestock industries are in. Being recognised as the best in...

Published: 29/12/2022 Read more

Breaking down the livestock methane concerns

Around 15% of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions come from livestock production. In Australia, the contribution of methane emissions from ruminant livestock is nearly 10% of total greenhouse emissions...

Published: 25/11/2022 Read more

Biosecurity boost highlights important improvements

By Travis Tobin RECENT South Australian emergency animal disease preparedness activities and scenario planning exercises have identified gaps and concerns that will limit the state’s ability to respond and contain...

Published: 24/10/2022 Read more

Tech needed to keep SA producers ahead

SOUTH Australian livestock producers are forward-thinking people, constantly on the lookout for technologies that will enable them to operate as cost effectively as possible while maintaining the highest standards of...

Published: 29/9/2022 Read more

Producer concern over rural rates

One of the key statistics to come out of Livestock SA’s recent producer priorities survey was the large portion of producers who cited council rates as a notable impact on...

Published: 26/8/2022 Read more

Livestock producers urged to improve compliance with traceability activities

All Livestock producers face significant business risk if an Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) outbreak reaches Australia, so now is the time to focus on meeting all compliance requirements for your...

Published: 13/7/2022 Read more

Is your business prepared to survive an emergency animal disease (EAD) outbreak on your farm?

Is your business prepared to survive an emergency animal disease (EAD) outbreak on your farm? A recent biosecurity risk exercise facilitated by the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis...

Published: 4/7/2022 Read more

Fast reactions can help slow disease reach

Pene Keynes and Emily Buddle (Livestock SA) How would you respond to a livestock disease outbreak on farm? Would you notify your neighbour of the potential risks to their business...

Published: 15/2/2022 Read more

Best Practice Biosecurity: Data at Heart

By Pene Keynes and Emily Buddle, South Australian Biosecurity Extension team The use of individual electronic identification (EID) is a hot topic across the sheep industry. Conversations about EID have...

Published: 11/6/2021 Read more

Low flow project improves health of water catchments

By ANDREW CURTIS, Livestock SA Chief Executive Officer Water catchment health in the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges is showing improvement thanks to the Flows for the Future initiative implemented by...

Published: 3/6/2021 Read more

Motorcycle permit change concerning

LIVESTOCK SA is calling on the State Government to consider special provisions for young people working in farming operations to be included in legislation which raises the minimum age for...

Published: 26/3/2021 Read more

Signs keep stock, drivers safe

MOVING livestock across main roads can be a challenging and dangerous task which is why appropriate safety measures need to be taken into consideration to protect stock and staff. There...

Published: 28/1/2021 Read more

Reviewing bushfire support for SA producers

Livestock SA is using the learnings from the 2019-20 bushfires to ensure future responses to natural disasters offer similar relief for those affected and continue to be well coordinated and...

Published: 29/11/2020 Read more

COVID-19 offers lessons for livestock sector

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught Australians anything, it is that maintaining good hygiene practices and minimising the spread of disease are essential in our everyday lives. Maintaining a safe...

Published: 3/11/2020 Read more

Commercial harvesting helps manage roos

OVER-abundant kangaroo populations continue to cause damage to farming land, infrastructure and crops in South Australia. Kangaroos have long benefited from livestock production because of the removal of natural predators...

Published: 24/9/2020 Read more

August Biosecurity Column: Good biosecurity is everyone’s business

Good biosecurity is a producer’s strongest defense against the risks associated with the introduction of unwanted pests and diseases. Safeguarding the industry against pest and disease incursion has previously been...

Published: 28/8/2020 Read more

Close collaboration with Minister is crucial

LIVESTOCK SA welcomed the appointment of David Basham as the new South Australian Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development last month. While Livestock SA acknowledges the progress which has...

Published: 27/8/2020 Read more

Accessible ag training key to strong industry

PROVIDING accessible and high-quality agricultural education in South Australia is essential to ensure agricultural businesses continue to adapt and thrive in an everchanging industry. Livestock SA welcomes the Federal Government’s...

Published: 2/8/2020 Read more

Traps to curb feral deer

Populations of feral deer have increased dramatically in areas of South Australia over the past few years and this has had a profound impact on agriculture, the environment and community...

Published: 25/6/2020 Read more

Welcome autumn rain elevates footrot risk

Livestock producers have rightly welcomed a promising break to the season, but with it comes increased biosecurity risks. Footrot, a contagious and notifiable bacterial disease in sheep, requires warm and...

Published: 28/5/2020 Read more

Fire-affected producers get back to business

The coronavirus pandemic impacting the world has made the recovery and rebuilding efforts in bushfire-affected areas of SA even more challenging. But, support and resources for those recovering are still...

Published: 30/4/2020 Read more

Policy reviews help graziers

A range of pastoral region policies and plans that impact producers are being revised in 2020 and Livestock SA encourages South Australian producers to get involved and provide their feedback...

Published: 30/3/2020 Read more

Fires create biosecurity risks

Bushfires can not only cause immediate threats during the event but also many threats post-fire, including biosecurity issues. Livestock producers need to be prepared to reduce these associated biosecurity issues...

Published: 3/2/2020 Read more

Govt supports key initiatives

Last year was a busy and successful year for Livestock SA and its members despite the tough weather conditions faced by many South Australian producers. Livestock prices were in producers’...

Published: 2/1/2020 Read more

Prepare livestock for the bushfire season

Fire danger season is well upon us with bushfires impacting the Yorke Peninsula and other areas throughout the state recently. Livestock SA extends its sympathies to farmers impacted by the...

Published: 28/11/2019 Read more

Producers urged to prepare for stock feed shortages

With some parts of the state dealing with their second –in some cases third – year of below average rainfall, it is likely there will be limited fodder available as...

Published: 31/10/2019 Read more

Livestock has many career opportunities

Highlighting the opportunities available in the livestock industry to jobseekers and young people deciding their future career paths remains critically important to ensuring the future of the sector. In 2016-2017...

Published: 26/9/2019 Read more

Livestock SA calls for tougher trespass laws

Livestock SA has continued its call for further action on the introduction of stronger trespassing laws within the state. While there has been some movement at a federal level, with...

Published: 26/7/2019 Read more

Carbon neutral commitment by 2030 ‘achievable’ for SA producers

A commitment by the livestock industry to be carbon neutral by 2030 will bring benefits not only for consumers but also for producers. Australian agriculture has set a goal in...

Published: 27/6/2019 Read more

Pastoral Act review opens opportunities for SA producers

The recently announced review of the Pastoral Act will provide Livestock SA and its members with an opportunity to provide feedback and influence the future operations of the Act. The...

Published: 30/5/2019 Read more

Speak up to drive positive industry changes

Livestock producers play an important part in helping to shape the development and review of policies and the industry bodies which influence the livestock industry. While Livestock SA recognises the...

Published: 25/4/2019 Read more

Be well-prepared as season break nears

As “the break” nears, it’s important that producers begin setting themselves up to be in the best position possible for the growing season. With the latest forecast from the Bureau...

Published: 28/3/2019 Read more

Water security remains lobby group’s focus

Rising water prices are an ongoing concern to livestock producers throughout the State, with rates in some regions rising by more than 250 per cent in the past decade. Water...

Published: 1/3/2019 Read more

Feral pests in line of sight

The over-abundance of invasive species and the need for a strategic, united approach to the issue will be the major topic of discussion for Livestock SA and its members at...

Published: 31/1/2019 Read more

Kangaroo control remains key for SA producers

The management of kangaroo populations, the condition of the dog fence and drought were key issues raised at the Livestock SA Northern Region meeting, held in conjunction with the Pastoral...

Published: 13/12/2018 Read more

Training available on maximising wool clip

The wool industry has long remained a key focus for many South Australian producers, with strong price highs continuing to deliver good returns to those who have remained in the...

Published: 1/11/2018 Read more

Coordinated effort on feral animals needed

Pest animal control remains a significant issue for Livestock SA members, with results from our recent 2018 annual survey highlighting it was a “major issue” for 35 per cent of...

Published: 27/9/2018 Read more

Make time to calculate feed requirements

This season has delivered a very different weather pattern to that which has been seen in recent years, bringing with it a range of challenges for our industry and for...

Published: 3/8/2018 Read more

Training shortages affect skills delivery in livestock sector

In the past decade, continual decreases in the level of funding within the training and skills sector has placed increased pressure on skills in the South Australian livestock industry. Across...

Published: 28/6/2018 Read more

Biosecurity key focus of SA producers

Biosecurity remains a key focus for livestock production across Australia with recent changes to the Livestock Production Assurance and Johne’s Beef Assurance Score programs. It’s important for all livestock producers...

Published: 31/5/2018 Read more

Livestock SA continues to advocate for feral deer control across SA

Ongoing management of feral deer continues to be a concern for livestock producers across SA. The South East region in particular has a large population of feral deer which pose...

Published: 15/3/2018 Read more

Govt gone missing in livestock industry R&D investment

The South Australian livestock sector contributes $4.5 billion in Gross State Revenue to the SA economy and employs a significant number of people both on-farm and in meat and wool...

Published: 22/2/2018 Read more

Consistent internet service underpins future pastoral productivity gains

Telemetry systems are increasingly being rolled out on many pastoral properties across the state, including at Billa Kalina, via Roxby Downs, ensuring more efficient labour use and, more importantly, peace...

Published: 18/1/2018 Read more

SA livestock advocacy continues to grow

Livestock advocacy continues to strengthen in South Australia, with South Australian producers recently appointed to leading roles with both the newly formed Sheep Producers Australia (SPA) and WoolProducers Australia (WPA)...

Published: 7/12/2017 Read more

Livestock SA reminds producers to ensure LPA changes roll out to producers

Biosecurity is front of mind for many producers this month, with changes to the Livestock Production Assurance Program occurring from October 1. Changes require producers who register with LPA to...

Published: 26/10/2017 Read more

Export insights as Livestock SA Board member tours OS markets

Export markets continue to play a vital part in ensuring a strong and profitable sheep and lamb sector in Australia. In 2016 Australia exported 56 per cent of our total...

Published: 28/9/2017 Read more

Producers urged to attend statewide LPA workshops

The Australian Livestock Production Assurance program is an important part of the livestock industry’s on-farm assurance program covering food safety, animal welfare and biosecurity. From October 1, producers will need...

Published: 28/8/2017 Read more

Benchmarking key for farm success at GROWING SA

Benchmarking has long proved to be an integral part of a successful approach to farm business management for many livestock producers. It is a process whereby a farm business’ key...

Published: 2/8/2017 Read more

Producers urged to feed for ‘dry times’

Rainfall has been scarce across much of South Australia to-date, with many regions awaiting more moisture. For some producers seeding is complete, while others have yet to start. Across the...

Published: 29/6/2017 Read more

SE industry show enthusiasm for Beef Cattle Blueprint

It was fantastic to have strong industry engagement as we kicked off the first SA Beef Cattle Industry Blueprint scoping workshop at Naracoorte on Tuesday, with participants showing enthusiasm to...

Published: 25/5/2017 Read more

On-farm theft concerns continue for SA livestock producers

Livestock and on-farm theft are an ongoing concern to South Australian producers, with more than 50 per cent of respondents in a recent Livestock SA survey experiencing problems with on-farm...

Published: 27/4/2017 Read more

GAB water infrastructure remains key issue for pastoralists

Ageing water infrastructure in northern pastoral regions continues to be a key issue for graziers and was highlighted at the Livestock SA Northern Region meeting at Mungerannie last month. Livestock...

Published: 30/3/2017 Read more

WoolTAG provides young shearers, woolhandlers with future opportunities

Past WoolTAG recipient Tom Brewer, Naracoorte, starred at the recent world shearing championships at Invercargill, New Zealand, placing fifth in the final of the intermediate section. Tom completed his tafeSA...

Published: 23/2/2017 Read more

Changes required to manage goats in pastoral region

Livestock SA continues to push for an amendment to the Pastoral Land Management Act (1989) to allow producers to fence off an area for the capture and containment of feral...

Published: 26/1/2017 Read more

Blueprint launch caps off successful year for Livestock SA

IT has been a busy but successful year for Livestock SA and its members, with the organisation continuing to advocate for the South Australian livestock industry. Among our greatest achievements...

Published: 29/12/2016 Read more

Livestock SA calls on SA Government support for CattleMAP

LIVESTOCK SA is seeking the support of the South Australian Government regarding its concerns over changes to the National Bovine Johne’s Disease Program, particularly the disbandment of the Australian Johne’s...

Published: 24/11/2016 Read more

Livestock producers weather SA storms, flooding

SPRING storms caused widespread damage across the state earlier this month, with strong winds and flooding contributing to reported damage from SA livestock producers. A recent survey undertaken by Livestock...

Published: 27/10/2016 Read more

Producers called to have their say on new Livestock Brands App

LIVESTOCK producers were given the chance to explore a prototype of the Livestock Brands App at the Livestock SA Update & AGM and first-ever SA Cattle Producers Forum at Hahndorf...

Published: 28/9/2016 Read more

Annual leave, loading, overtime – updates to the Pastoral Award

On July 29, 2016, a number of changes were made to the Pastoral Industry Award which means livestock producers employing staff are likely to be impacted. Annual leave Annual leave...

Published: 28/8/2016 Read more

Sheep industry blueprint fosters research collaborations

The SA Sheep Industry Blueprint is focused on increasing the value and production of the sheep industry by 20 percent in the next five years. Several projects are underway to...

Published: 25/6/2016 Read more

National wool declarations give market confidence

Together with WoolProducers Australia, Livestock SA is encouraging growers to take time and fill out the AWEX National Wool Declaration. This is an initiative of the industry to consolidate critical...

Published: 30/5/2016 Read more

Cattle producers called to comment on competitiveness

SOUTH Australian cattle producers have a rare opportunity to offer feedback on the competitiveness of the beef sector as part of a market study by the Australian Competition and Consumer...

Published: 2/5/2016 Read more

Know your rights and obligations when it comes to fencing

WHERE work is needed to erect, rebuild or repair boundary fences between neighbouring properties, communication and consensus between landowners is ideal. Any agreement on fencing should ideally be documented and...

Published: 24/3/2016 Read more

Transparency critical to faith in NRM system

The South Australian Government announced last year that regional NRM levies are to be used to recover costs for water planning and management (WPM) activities undertaken by the Department of...

Published: 1/3/2016 Read more

Call for brands register to be integrated with PICs

THERE ARE so many good reasons why the Brands Act 1933 should not have been repealed by the State Government. Firstly, stock identification. We cannot visually identify the origin of...

Published: 1/2/2016 Read more

Animal welfare focus of ASAP Conference in Adelaide

Animal welfare means different things to different people. For some it encapsulates a value system which includes a raft of other ‘values’ which often bundle together phrases such as organic...

Published: 1/1/2016 Read more

Livestock SA – year in review

THE YEAR 2014 has been one of ups and downs. Dry conditions continue to hamper livestock production across the state and from the South East to the Far North, many...

Published: 29/12/2015 Read more

Year in review – Livestock SA gears up for big 2016

THINKING back over 2015, Livestock SA certainly lived up to its tagline … ‘your strong and independent voice for livestock producers’. There has been a raft of issues that we...

Published: 1/12/2015 Read more

Free, professional help for farmers on pest animal control

Pest animals are a major problem to many farmers across South Australia. Feral pigs, goats, rabbits, foxes and wild dogs are some common species that have made the most of...

Published: 1/11/2015 Read more

No time to dither in reassessing loan criteria

When it comes to support programs for drought-affected farmers, bank lenders in the South East work on different principles to the comparatively risky farming environments in Queensland and northern New...

Published: 1/10/2015 Read more

Know what’s required when it comes to industrial relations

Before the modern award system was introduced on January 1, 2010, there were state and federal awards. Farmers in South Australia were bound by either the Pastoral Industry (South Australia)...

Published: 1/9/2015 Read more

Cattle levy increase flagged to support crucial industry programs

I AM part of Schulz Livestock, a family‐owned and run livestock farming business in the Upper South East. We produce first‐cross ewe lambs, prime lambs and have a stud beef...

Published: 27/8/2015 Read more

Sheep industry starts work on new blueprint

THE South Australian sheep industry has just started work on a plan to drive profitability, innovation and sustainability for the whole industry value chain. The SA Sheep Industry Blueprint is...

Published: 6/8/2015 Read more

Infrastructure upgrades help stations manage drought, stock

HAMILTON Station is situated 110 kilometres north‐west of Oodnadatta and its annual rainfall is about 180 millimetres, with a large percentage of this coming in summer. Watering points on the...

Published: 2/6/2015 Read more

Farmers urged to review changes to working dog laws

TWO key reforms are being negotiated at present which will impact farmers who breed working dogs or those who use them in their livestock business. The first is a proposed...

Published: 28/5/2015 Read more

Livestock, finance and drought – can you plan ahead?

Livestock commodity prices have continued to provide some optimism for producers among variable seasonal conditions across the state. At the same time, there has also been a fall in in...

Published: 24/4/2015 Read more

Strong representation for livestock producers

LIVESTOCK owners across the South East are eagerly awaiting the 2015 season to get cracking, as dry pasture reserves are increasingly scarce and feeding‐out is keeping everyone busy. We are...

Published: 26/3/2015 Read more

Pastoral concern over losing independent organisation

FOR most pastoralists in South Australia, the main topic of conversation has been the rain event – or in some cases the lack of it – in the second week...

Published: 26/2/2015 Read more

Livestock SA: a South East perspective

The New Year is often a time to reflect and check‐in on personal as well as professional goals and vision. The start of 2015 has reminded me of the pride...

Published: 22/1/2015 Read more

Farm fodder response a credit to SA ag industry

THE way farmers across the State have banded together in the past week to help those affected by the Adelaide Hills’ fires has been nothing short of amazing. In coordinating...

Published: 12/1/2015 Read more