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MacLoran Farm

Support for Agriculture saw over 2,000 farmers come together in Canberra – A United Voice

More than 2,000 farmers and a convoy of 40 trucks from across Australia came together on Tuesday to stand united on the lawns of Parliament House in Canberra and send a united message to all politicians and political persuasion.

The Farmer Rally was organised by the National Farmers Federation to send a message to all politicians that policies that impact farmers’ livelihoods need to be made in consultation with farmers and Peak Industry Bodies.

Andrew Spencer Chair Sheep Producers Australia says “It was inspiring to see so many farmers and Peak Industry Bodies come together in Canberra from across Australia to send a united message that good policy is not made using activist’s agendas.”

As the peak industry body for sheep producers, Sheep Producers Australia has clearly and consistently voiced opposition to a live sheep ban; and will continue to support our grassroots sheep producers to engage in policy consultation to demonstrate the negative impact a ban will have on our producers and their communities.

Mr Spencer, “Sheep Producers Australia has always and continues to strongly oppose any policy seeking to ban live sheep exports by sea. As the Peak Industry Body we are responsible for advocating for producers to ensure the sheep industry is governed by good policy for a profitable and sustainable future.”

Livestock SA Vice President and sheep producer, Allan Piggott was one of many state farming organisation representatives who attended and spoke at the rally.

“Unfortunately, we are increasingly seeing the Federal Labor Government design and implement policies that do not support animal agriculture. The government must properly engage with producers, listen to our expertise, and prioritise policies that ensure the long-term sustainability of the sheep industry and the broader livestock sector.”

“The right policy settings for the sheep industry will only be realised by working with organisations like Sheep Producers Australia and Livestock SA, not by blindly following activist and ideologically driven groups.” Mr Piggott.

Sheep Producers Australia will continue to work closely and collaboratively with our members, producers, and the broader industry supply chain to strengthen agriculture’s relationship with the Government and advocate for good policy that benefits and sustains the industry.

Media Contacts:

Hannah Trevilyan, Communications and Members Manager, Livestock SA - P: 08 8297 2299

Annie Frisch, General Manager Public Relations, Sheep Producers Australia - M: 0455 999 130

Published: 12 September 2024